Friday, October 31, 2008

Graffiti Tourist: Liechtenstein

The tiny country of Liechtenstein, sandwiched between Switzerland and Austria, is home to a street artist called 27, who appears to have the monopoly on things.
He says, "There's not much going on here, but at least it's something..."


Tomorrow I will be visiting Maldives.

Gurren Lagaan Mecha Figure

I don't actually know much about this particular anime series..Gurren Lagaan (Peebody, any ideas?) but I do love the figure being released for the main character and his trusty mecha-walker side-kick.


Dead Dead Dead

New design firm from Brighton, Dead Dead Dead are set to be a a formidable player in the advertorial world. Their first showcase of work is stunning. According to Ektopia, these guys have not used and Photoshopping for the above image. Just hours of planning and preparation. Good on them, I say.....(Click on the image to enlarge)

See a video of how they created the scene HERE.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Graffiti Tourist: The Vatican

As part of a new series, I'm gonna be looking at graffiti and street art around the world, one country per day.
I thought I'd start with the smallest country in the world, the Vatican.
Yes, even the country that is essentially one big church has it.

Tomorrow I will be visiting Liechtenstein.

It's Halloween!

In the spirit of Halloween, here are some inspired graff pieces and vinyl toys.





Free Graffiti Colouring In Book

If it's raining outside, or you you just wanna practise your tags, throw-ups, then this is for you.

The Fakeproject Corporation of America has issued a colouring book, FREE OF CHARGE!

Below are just some samples. Click HERE to go the site. A PDF copy is available for printing.
Use the photocopier in your workplace and hand them out to your friends...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Piano Magic Gig In November

One of my fave bands is playing a gig on the 22nd November. Piano Magic are the best band you have yet to hear. Despite being around for over 10 years now, their media-shyness has kept them out of the journo-spotlight and into the studio, constantly churning tune after tune of melodic goodness. Please, if you have a brain, check them out!!!

Their new EP entitled, 'Dark Horses' comes out this week.

Listen to the tracks HERE.
See how many incredible albums (plus gorgeous artwork) they have released HERE.

Info on the gig, Venue, Ticket price etc HERE.

Iraq: A New Kind Of Bombing

As a tourist I want to see grafitti and street art all over the world. I thought I'd try find some in one of the least likely places. Here's what I found!

Arofish has some balls, he went into the heart of it all, got shot at, was arrested by the US military, and still went back out and put these pieces up.

You can see more of his Iraq art here

Some People Are So Unoriginal

Some people just don't have any creativity and originiality in them.
Check out this rip off t-shirt design. Recognise anyone?

The caption reads: Send money. Tired of work, want to party. [VIA]

The town of Weeze, Germany is even guilty with this alcohol awareness poster.


Even a phone company can't resist.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leake Street Update

As long as this tunnel under Waterloo station remains, new and fresh writers from all over will continue to deface it and that's fine by me. Most pieces only last a week there and in theory, there should be a dedicated blog just for Leake St!

See more pics HERE.

Graffiti Short Videos

Everyone loves a short video, so I went looking and found these sick videos of both real time and sped up films of street artists doing their thing.

This is a sick digital piece by a guy called Befton from Germany.

I'm not sure if its his writers name but this is a great mural by Vandal554 from USA.

This one is a nice real time blackbook sketch by Val of 012 Crew from Brazil.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New Blogger To Blog About Blogging

With a big thanks to Selph, the Volcano Zone Tourists will now be contributing to the ESP Visuals blog service.
I thought i'd kick off with a little product i used recently.

Are you tired of lugging a bucket and brush around to do your paste ups? Dont you wish you could have something you could stick in your pocket? Or better yet, take on holiday in your suitcase, and be ready to go the minute you get off the plane?
Solvite Border Adhesive kicks ass. It comes with a built in brush and sticks to concrete like no-ones business. When you've used it up, take off the brush, fill it up with whatever other glue you may have, put the brush back on and you're off.
At £3.99 its a bargain. You can get it [VIA]

VNA Issue 7 Out Next Week

Issue 7 of Very Nearly Almost magazine is being released this week and to celebrate we would like to invite you to the launch party.

Thursday October the 30th from 6-9pm at...

Concrete Hermit
5a Club Row.
E1 6JX

Nearest tubes... Liverpool street and Old street.

Issue 7 boasts 84 pages of full colour graffiti and street art. As well as the most recent street activity in London, this issue includes a feature on the incredible stencil work of French artist C215, an interview with London graffiti writer Cept148, a look at the recent street art in New York and a feature on the York/London crew and design collective One Trick Pony. Plus a look at one of the best street art projects of the year so far The Chapel of St Martin by Dave the Chimp and Nothing But Print studio.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

History Of The boombox

I just found a seriously interesting read with a ton of great photos of Boomboxes in their golden era of 1981-1985. From their use in movies to basic settings details, this geek's site is a treasue trove of forgotten box models and nostalgia to those old enough to have rocked to one in the early 80's.



Sea Orchestra Ad For United Airlines

Sea Orchestra
Lovely 1 minute animation for United Airlines.......

Bloc 28 Series 2 By Disney

Regular readers of the ESPV blog will know that I love to blog about any distortion of that pristine image of Mickey Mouse. Now, Disney are on their second series of personal distortion with their Bloc 28 project. This time, they have brought on the talents of Suiko, Tenga, Ewok, Rime, Chaz Bojorquez and Aroe.


Doktor A Custom For Monster Art Rally

Doktor A’s latest creation has gone down the dark route of Steampunk for the “Monster Art Rally” show at Gallery 1988, San Francisco.

Called, "The Pickman Company’s Wondrous Mechanical Abhorrence", it stands at 27″ x 10″ x 10″.

According to the description, the creation has been made of Steel, Vinyl, Brass, Lead, Rubber, Paper, Polymer Clay, Found Objects and a customized “Think Up” toy from Miscreation Toys.

The tooling and finishes on the cage and tentacles are painstakingly detailed.

The original Think Up Toy, pre-customed....


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trent Call

Trent Call has a lovely series of sexy girls painting over landscaped backgrounds in very suggestive ways. Thanks to Ektopia for finding this one....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Adapta Gallery Launch

It's been a couple years in the making but UKAdapta have finally found the perfect partner to work with and have created the ADAPTA GALLERY.
Our first project with the Schoeni Gallery is to focus on what we like to call “21st Century Contemporary Art” - with the idea to bring an incredible artist line-up to the Hong Kong public. Adapta will bridge the gap between the understanding of this global urban art movement, creating dialogue and focusing on cultural exchange. We aim to demonstrate, educate and provide a wealth of inspiration especially for the youth of today, through exhibiting works from this talent-pool.

Adapta’s first show is called "Attention Spam". In this day and age, visual media plays an indispensible role in everyone's lives, almost to a point of saturation. One could consider it as visual spam. For its exhibitions, Adapta filters through the multitudes of visual pollution to find and exhibit the best pieces of contemporary art, and in this case, art emerging from Britain, showcasing some of the best pieces of contemporary art by 5 UK based artists.

Vernissage: 6:30pm – 8:30pm, 13 November 2008
Exhibition: 14 November – 10 December 2008
Venue: Main Gallery, 21-31 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong


Thanks to these amazing guys, our first show is going to be absolutely incredible and if you have the chance, please either check the show out or at least visit our website!!!!

Thanks so much for those who have shown us support along the way!

Selph & Irie