Ok ESPV readers I thought I would do something different. I am going to let you choose what anime I review in about three week’s time (that’s around 17/11/08). You can choose from 15 titles some are new and some are older. I have also included some longer series like Ghost in the shell and Ranma 1/2 and If you choose one of these; I will review each season and movie separate i.e. GTS stand alone complex, GTS second gig and so on. So all you have to so is write the anime you would like me to review in the comments box and on 10/11/08 at 12:00pm GMT I will count all your votes.
Trinity Blood


Last Exile


Ghost in the Shell (TV series and movies)

Spirited Away

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Ranma 1/2

Full Metal Alchemist


Elfen Lied

Hellsing (The TV series not the OAV)

Gunslinger Girl

Witch Hunter Robin

Boogiepop Phantom

Now it's up to you to choose.
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