It's 2 weeks exactly til Xmas, and if you're stuck for that extra special gift then check these out.

The very thing for the ultimate gaming geek. These Gaming Vests transform standard battle gaming into a spine chilling, heart pumping, sweat inducing, adrenalin fuelled adventure. Using state of the art pneumatic technology, these S.W.A.T-like body armour suits ensure that every time someone shoots you, you feel the force of impact! With no less than eight impact cells scattered over the front and back of the vest, each delivering up to 10lbs of force, you'll feel the wallop of punches, kicks, bullets and blasts that happen to your character. The strength of the impact varies depending on whether someone taps you on the shoulder, or has the effrontery to hit you head on with a shotgun. Festooned with zips and clips, the vest adjusts to fit snugly over the thin and not so thin alike, will communicate with a variety of games, and comes with a copy of Call of Duty® 2, so you can get started straight away.
If I told you that you could fit a 50" television screen in your trousers would you believe me? It's as small as a mobile phone, has inbuilt stereo speakers and can project movies and pictures up to a staggering 50 inches wide!

Vuzix iWear is a stunningly impressive range of face-furniture that allows you to watch whatever you like whenever you like, in the privacy of your own head. Simply slip on these lightweight cyber-shades and prepare to be totally blown away by a fully immersive audiovisual assault.