Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Naruto Vs Neji

Naruto Vs Neji

The great Greek and Roman philosophers loved to debate back then, and the internet junkies love to debate today. It's a human impulse - to debate. Saying "it's a matter of opinion" doesn't help because there always has to be someone who's right and someone who's wrong. People can debate for the silliest things and for years and years, the debate can drag on without having a clear winner. But that's just the way things are. And you can't deny it, debates are really are fun and we all love it.

The start of the new millennium signaled the start of two of the greatest Shounen anime series since Dragon Ball Z - Naruto and Bleach. Both anime series have accumulated millions of fans worldwide and, as expected, to these fans, saying that both anime series are good and both worth watching is just not enough. They have to know which is better.