Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Naruto vs Pain

Naruto vs Pain

As they walk through the forest, Kakashi spies a puddle that appears unusual. After they have passed by, from out of the puddle emerges two cloaked and masked ninjas, who immediately attack the group from behind. They launch a metal chain from a throwing weapon. The chain binds Kakashi, immobilizing him. The earth then opens up and sucks the teacher beneath. They refer to him as the "first one," and they now turn their attentions to Naruto, referring to him as "the second." They launch the chain again. The terrified boy is unable to defend himself and is quickly injured. From his side, Sasuke makes a move, launching his weapons which pinion and disable the chain. Sakura positions herself before the old man, attempting to protect him from the next assault. Sasuke then dashes toward the attackers, striking them repeatedly, but he is no match for the experienced ninjas. Suddenly Kakashi reappears, snags the attackers by the necks, and they fall limp and unconscious.