Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Back in early June, my Mom and I went out to Las Vegas for a week's vacation. Mom's a veteran of Vegas, having been out there nearly a dozen times over the last 20 years. This was my first visit there, however, and I had a heck of a good time! Here's just a few of the more than 400 photos I took. (No, I won't bore you with them all.)

We explored all of the big hotels. Many of them are themed both in exteriors and interiors, in a style reminiscent of Disney's theme parks. I particularly liked The Paris Hotel, as well as Caesars Palace:

We stayed at The Flamingo Hotel, where I made lots of new friends!:

We took a side trip out to Arizona one day to see a great big hole in the ground:

Of course, we had to stop in at Madame Tussaud's to visit with some old friends too. Here I am swingin' with my pallies, Frank, Dean and Sammy:

I hung out with Shirley Maclaine for a bit:

It was great to see one of my favourite gals. Marilyn was of course looking spectacular!:

I swapped card tricks with a magician, providing my own souvenir deck that was kindly presented to me by the friendly folks who line Las Vegas Blvd:

In fact, I used my collector cards to help Hef choose some new girlfriends:

I was even able to spare a few of them for Elvis, who gratefully responded, "Thank yuh, thank yuh veruh much!"

I ran into a few contemporary stars too. Here I am chatting up Angelina, trying to convince her to ditch whatsisname so we can duck out for a night on the town:

Since that didn't end well, I decided instead to give Buffy a hickey:

Finally, Mom and I did our best to help out President Obama with his busy schedule.
"Hello, what's that again? You say you're the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Hooper? I'm sorry, but President Obama isn't in right now..."