Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Naruto Gif Animations

Naruto Gif Animations

Naruto is the story of a yellow haired dude named Naruto Uzumaki,http://narutogifamination.blogspot.com/ whose dream in life is to one day be Hokage (Head of All Ninjas). However, an incident occurred 12 years ago, when a demon fox attacked the village; many of his villagers fell, until the 4th Hokage sealed the demon within a little child. This child was Naruto. As a result, the adults see Naruto as the demon. Now a Genin, Naruto is part of a three-man team - the members are Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and their instructor, Kakashi. Together, they will face many challenges, make friends, face deadly enemies, and try to survive against the forces of darkness.